Oposiciones letrado consejo de estado

Constancia de posesión – edgar vilca

The unofficial biography that we bring to our readers today has borrowed the title from one of Miguel Miura’s best-known humorous plays. And the fact is that José Manuel Maza Martín, the current Attorney General of the State, barely 100 days after his appointment by Rajoy, thanks to the talkative President of Murcia, has a lot of problems and explanations piling up. Let us begin with a quick review of his trajectory.

Of his family life we only know that he is divorced from a magistrate, currently President of one of the Sections of the Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) and that they have a son who practices law. He proclaims himself to be a compulsive Segovian, the city where he has his second residence.

Cangas del Morrazo (Pontevedra); Alcorcón (Madrid) and Valencia. From 1987 to 1989 he was Dean Judge of the District Courts of Madrid. From July 1988 to February 2002 he was President of the First Section of the Provincial Court of Madrid.

Oposiciones letrado consejo de estado online

Fourth transitory provision repealed by letter d) of the sole repealing provision of Law 1/2006, of March 13, which regulates the Special Regime of the municipality of Barcelona (B.O.E. March 14).

The Constitution attributes to the State the exclusive competence to establish the bases of the legal regime of the Public Administrations. This competence was materialized, as far as the local administration is concerned, with the enactment of the

LRBRL substantially followed the traditional model of Spanish local government, especially as far as the municipalities are concerned, and this is evident in such relevant aspects as the organic-functional system or the competencies of the local entities. This law, on the other hand, has been the object of numerous partial reforms, the most important of which, undoubtedly, that operated by the

LRBRL was quickly overwhelmed by the demands of a dynamic and rich local life, deeply influenced by the important social, economic and cultural transformations that Spanish municipalities have been experiencing during the last decades: the organic-functional model, weighed down by a corporatist perception of local policy, and the rigid uniformism, contemplating all or most municipalities, regardless of their demographics and complexity, as organizations deserving of uniform legal treatment.

Oposiciones letrado consejo de estado del momento

The permanence of Luis Javier Rodríguez Moroy at the head of the Governing Council of La Rioja is at the center of all the controversy about the regional institutions. Having lost the political backing of the UCD, a party which he left immediately after being invested president with the frustrated intention of organizing the CDS in La Rioja, his long march in search of an acronym has led to the newborn Partido Riojano, which aspires to occupy the space of the progressive center in La Rioja. In a communiqué sent this weekend to the General Council, Rodriguez Moroy states that he has urged the political groups to seek an alternative solution, but this has not been found, and that his immediate resignation would plunge the regional bodies into a period of uncertainty and with no foreseeable way out, so that the situation of an acting resigning government could be prolonged until the next elections, with the additional weakness that this entails.

Oposiciones letrado consejo de estado 2021

This distinction is a recognition of the professional career of the lawyer, who joined the Malaga Bar Association on April 14, 1971 and since then has been registered in the public defender’s office.

Among his countless merits stands out the constant, methodical and effective fight he maintained in the defense of Dolores Vázquez in the case known as the Wanninkhof Case. He was the perfect exponent of the tenacious work done by many legal professionals against the easy evidence, the intuitive approach and the media condemnation. Many conclusions can be drawn from his work in relation to the so-called parallel trials.

The dean, for his part, said that today is a happy day for the Malaga Bar Association and for the entire legal profession. Lara highlighted the professionalism, humanity, faith in the Law and tenacity of the honoree.

Santiago Jiménez also took part in the ceremony, who made a tour of the professional and personal career of the honoree, whom he described as a pure, intelligent, honest, loyal, non-conformist lawyer and a great connoisseur of legal science.